Sheryl's world is one of dichotomies.
Sheryl's tweeting style, if not language, can be described as Churchillian, making her declarations and expounding her views and opaque philosophies from her war bunker in the Scottish Highlands.
Clearly, Sheryl perceives herself to be a leader of opinion, and is permanently on the warpath, fighting her enemies using her keyboard as her weapon of choice.
One the one hand Sheryl claims to be "against hate" and anti-Semitism, and a "supporter of Israel".
One the other hand, though she claims not to support the English Defence League or British National Party,
Sheryl declares she "does not like Islam" and acts as an online "ma" to the waifs and strays of the far right, who look to her for succour and support in spreading their hate.
Here, for example, is Sheryl and far right activist "Walsall Infidel", having a cosy chat post-Woolwich murder of Lee Rigby and the attacks on mosques which followed:
Is Sheryl making the suggestion Tell MAMA, a project for recording, reporting, and combating hate crimes against Muslims, was in some way implicated in the attacks on mosques, in order to attract funding? Is she suggesting Tell MAMA (a project of the parent Faith Matters organisation) and those who attacked mosques, such as Pavlo Lapshyn, are somehow in league with each other?
In the genius mind of Sheryl, anything is possible.
Or take her friendship with an online troll called VDissidentZ. Over their night time Horlicks, here they are having a cosy chat, with "ma" Sheryl uttering soothing words to wipe away the stresses trolling brings:
And here, Sheryl expounding her views of what will happen to their enemies:
Is this the very same VDissidentZ who crooned and swooned over the leader of the English Defence League? It is indeed.
"Oh dear, with more retweets of Stephen Lennon , our troll is starting to exhibit behaviours that people could say, show a Far Right set of sympathies."
"Just as you thought that the sycophancy could not get any worse, guess who asks Stephen Lennon to take care of himself after Lennon states that he was ‘walking 24 miles around Tower Hamlets on Friday the 13th’? You guessed right! The stomach churning plea to Stephen Lennon states, ‘stay safe chief.’ Does our very own troll belief that Stephen Lennon is the leader, the chief? Oh how the heart patters with missed beats at the thought of Lennon being out there."
So, having fought them on the beaches while flicking her V sign and playing with her toy soldiers, Sheryl again shows who her allies are, and here we see her having a discussion with 'Simon the Rev C", self-styled leader of Watford English Defence League:
Yes, the same "The Rev" whose tweets with English Defence League former leader "Tommy Robinson" are detailed here:
and whose dislike of Muslims spills over into the sort of twisted hatred any sensible person would consider would make "against hate" Sheryl shun him.
NB: Sheryl does not dispute the impression gained by her friend "The Rev" that she supports "a protest group" the English Defence League. Sheryl is far more concerned with the idea of an organisation suing people apparently for their faith, not because of any libellous comments they are alleged to have made:
Clearly, the reader is being given the impression by Sheryl the Tell MAMA organization is in some way anti-Semitic in singling out persons of a particular faith to pursue through libel claims, and not for any defamatory statements those persons may have made.
Here she is again, though Sheryl has by now forgotten what she put out in the past and remembers, as it now suits her purpose, those being sued include a Sikh man:
Quite so. The probability that anyone would be sued under English law simply for reasons of faith or race stretch the credulity once again of any informed person, but Sheryl's desire for keyboard victory at any cost leads her make statements which could be construed as libellous, and from which she appears to hope inferences are be made that an interfaith, anti-hate organisation is, in fact, acting against the very reasons for its existence.
Another of YadBYadUK Sheryl's online allies in her constant battle waging is '"Chayalim Bodedim". Give her her due, Sheryl does see her friend as sometimes "going over the top" from his place in the trenches, though she, switching to "ma" mode, forgives as she "understands".
So what is this "going over the top" which Sheryl, soothingly, and with a cheery "lol" understands? Is it the occasional outburst of frustration and temper after the stresses and strains of a hard day?
Here we present a small selection of tweets from her super duper lone trooper which the "anti-hate" Sheryl admits as "a bit over the top", but which she "understands":
Tough guy? "Ma" Sheryl understands. Her "anti-hate" organisation understands too:
Yes, some are blind to "truth and fact". Sheryl understands her friend. Sheryl is always there when her friend has an "off day", "ma" Sheryl understands the naughties and their views:
"Engaging them in conversation could prevent them getting run over. Let life take its course."
Sheryl can "fight them on the beaches" using her battalions of toy soldiers, but fighting "them" with logic and fact is missing from her armoury. Tweeting at someone, then claiming she will "report" them?
The Curator
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