Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Haters and hate

"None so deaf as those that will not hear. None so blind as those that will not see."

Matthew Henry 

The evidence suggests otherwise. This is the founder of YadBYadUK:

This is one of  YadBYadUK staff who found that to be amusing:

This is the same member of staff of YadBYadUK  making defamatory and abusive comments, also suggesting violence towards a genuine anti-hate organisation, Tell MAMA :

Tell MAMA (Measuring Ant-Muslim Attacks)   is a government backed project which deals with monitoring and countering anti-Muslim prejudice. Its work has been verified by Teesside University Centre for Fascist, Anti-Fascist and Post-Fascist Studies.

It appears YadbYadUK founder and staff member is in dispute with Tell MAMA

This blog entry is on its site. Evidence presented suggests YadBYadUK speaks with a forked tongue when it claims it does not support hating any group of people.

Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit – ‘I am not anti-Muslim…….’

Today’s Jewish Chronicle piece by In the Jewish Chronicle piece she states, ‘I am not anti-Muslim, I am not an EDL supporter...
Well, we have decided to post just a handful of the kind of tweets that were sent to us by members of the public who found her statements anti-Muslim in nature. Here are some of the tweets:
14-06-2013 Shitrit 2
So all Muslims, as to this tweet of the 1st of August 2012 makes clear, are the enemies of Jews. Slightly paranoid or someone who thinks that all Muslims are the same? You see, it could easily be understood from the tweet that Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit thinks that all Muslims are against Israelis. Is this not prejudicial thinking?
Here is some more tweet activity from Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit, with the tweet below being retweeted by Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit in 2012. The tweet says, “The Hadith tells us that muhamed’s penis was so long, it would leave his tent n go from tent to tent of his many wives! – How sanitary!” Nothing within any further text put out by Mrs Shitrit contextualised the retweet. In other words she did not follow up by saying that she disagreed with the tweet and was highlighting it for example. It was simply retweeted, one can assume, since she agreed with it.
14-06-2013 Shitrit 3
And here are some more tweets from Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit, the first is not specifically anti-Muslim in nature though it expresses a view that is deeply distasteful. The second shows Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit likes a You-Tube video from Pamela Geller and the virulently anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim, Geert Wilders.
14-06-2013 Shitrit 4
14-06-2013 Shitrit 5
Whatever the rights and wrongs of positions in the Middle East, Mrs Shitrit thinks that the deceased activist, Rachel Corrie who died in the West Bank, was a Nazi.The next tweet shows her liking for a Pamela Geller You Tube video with Geert Wilders.
And yet more evidence of retweets which could be regarded as deeply prejudicial were promoted by Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit. For example, Mrs Shitrit retweets the following about the Israeli Arab population within Israel. “If Israel is ethnically cleansing the place of Arabs, they are doing a pretty crappy job of it – I thought that Jews were clever.”
14-06-2013 Shitrit 6
We could go on for some time on these matters but here is a Facebook posting by Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit – Prejudicial? Well you make your own mind up. So, in earnest, Mrs Shitrit – does what you say stand up? We think not!
All Muslims
The Curator

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