Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Haters and hate

"None so deaf as those that will not hear. None so blind as those that will not see."

Matthew Henry 

The evidence suggests otherwise. This is the founder of YadBYadUK:

This is one of  YadBYadUK staff who found that to be amusing:

This is the same member of staff of YadBYadUK  making defamatory and abusive comments, also suggesting violence towards a genuine anti-hate organisation, Tell MAMA :

Tell MAMA (Measuring Ant-Muslim Attacks)   is a government backed project which deals with monitoring and countering anti-Muslim prejudice. Its work has been verified by Teesside University Centre for Fascist, Anti-Fascist and Post-Fascist Studies.

It appears YadbYadUK founder and staff member is in dispute with Tell MAMA

This blog entry is on its site. Evidence presented suggests YadBYadUK speaks with a forked tongue when it claims it does not support hating any group of people.

Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit – ‘I am not anti-Muslim…….’

Today’s Jewish Chronicle piece by In the Jewish Chronicle piece she states, ‘I am not anti-Muslim, I am not an EDL supporter...
Well, we have decided to post just a handful of the kind of tweets that were sent to us by members of the public who found her statements anti-Muslim in nature. Here are some of the tweets:
14-06-2013 Shitrit 2
So all Muslims, as to this tweet of the 1st of August 2012 makes clear, are the enemies of Jews. Slightly paranoid or someone who thinks that all Muslims are the same? You see, it could easily be understood from the tweet that Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit thinks that all Muslims are against Israelis. Is this not prejudicial thinking?
Here is some more tweet activity from Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit, with the tweet below being retweeted by Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit in 2012. The tweet says, “The Hadith tells us that muhamed’s penis was so long, it would leave his tent n go from tent to tent of his many wives! – How sanitary!” Nothing within any further text put out by Mrs Shitrit contextualised the retweet. In other words she did not follow up by saying that she disagreed with the tweet and was highlighting it for example. It was simply retweeted, one can assume, since she agreed with it.
14-06-2013 Shitrit 3
And here are some more tweets from Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit, the first is not specifically anti-Muslim in nature though it expresses a view that is deeply distasteful. The second shows Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit likes a You-Tube video from Pamela Geller and the virulently anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim, Geert Wilders.
14-06-2013 Shitrit 4
14-06-2013 Shitrit 5
Whatever the rights and wrongs of positions in the Middle East, Mrs Shitrit thinks that the deceased activist, Rachel Corrie who died in the West Bank, was a Nazi.The next tweet shows her liking for a Pamela Geller You Tube video with Geert Wilders.
And yet more evidence of retweets which could be regarded as deeply prejudicial were promoted by Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit. For example, Mrs Shitrit retweets the following about the Israeli Arab population within Israel. “If Israel is ethnically cleansing the place of Arabs, they are doing a pretty crappy job of it – I thought that Jews were clever.”
14-06-2013 Shitrit 6
We could go on for some time on these matters but here is a Facebook posting by Mrs Ambrosine Shitrit – Prejudicial? Well you make your own mind up. So, in earnest, Mrs Shitrit – does what you say stand up? We think not!
All Muslims
The Curator

Thursday, 3 October 2013


Sheryl, a leader of the cult of Ambrosinianism, apparently giving a coded message to its followers?

The @debatingculture Twitter handle was suspended, is this secret code for its supporters to  report en masse to Twitter so free speech is denied to those who oppose this cult?

 Was this the "threat"?

An Email to Ambrosine Chetrit: Detailing Her Lies and Smear Campaign About Me and Others

Debating Culture BlogDear Ambrosine,
Yesterday evening, you or one of your cohort had my twitter account suspended simply because I called you all out for your lies and hypocrisy and swore at you, due to your constant efforts to smear and discredit myself and others.
I do not know whether it was you who was on the YadbYad account yesterday at that particular time, but I do have several screen grabs confirming a ‘mass block and report’ , to have my account suspended. I have no doubt that you are the one who instigated this harassment against me, as your (Ambrosine Chetrit) own account has attempted to undermine the named registrant of the YadbYad website. You and Sheryl McNaught both claim to be pro free speech, but then you have me mass blocked me?? Because I challenge you?, What vile hypocrites you both are!
Do you remember when you (both) accused me of being Richard Armbach and got one of your lapdogs to phone my home and threaten me and pretending to be from CST? Yes, I do. I (subsequently) contacted CST and they confirmed it was not them or me.
. Sheryl has since tweeted to me that it was (all) joke? Well, I didn’t not find it a joke. Especially as my children are all under 16 yo.
That is why I returned to twitter. So, all the shit I now bring you, is of your own making. Not only have you actively attempted (to) threaten and to put a stop to mine or anyone else’s freedom of speech who challenges or disagrees with your view, but you persist in labelling me as sexist, racist, antiSemitic and a rapists.
None of which is true, of course. but it suits you to repeat such claims and accusations, especially because of your(MrsShitrit’s) libel case with TellMaMa and its Director.
Speaking which, I have no doubt it is true that you have libelled (the Director of) TellMaMa, because I have screen capped some of your libellous tweets referring to HNH and TellMaMa as having links with terrorist organisations. In the case of Sheryl, your comrade; on no less than eight occasions did she libel TelMaMa. I know because I screen grabbed every single tweet and passed on to TellMaMa’s Director. The only reason Sheryl isn’t now being sued, is because she cried poverty and claimed she is in receipt of state benefits. My assumption is that a cost benefit analysis was (conducted) as to whether the cost of (legal) fees would outweigh (the) damages she would have to pay.
Returning to your references and labels of me being sexist, racist, antiSemitic and a rapist, your statements are factually untrue, damaging to me and therefore libellous. As such, you will from this moment on CEASE and DESIST from referring or making (such) statements about me (…..). If I see one more tweet from you, Yad or your cohorts even suggesting that I am any of these things, I will bankrupt you and your family. On that, you have my solemn word.Note: I NEVER break my word!
In reference to claims that I am a rapist or threaten rape, you are well aware of the circumstances. You know full well that I was trolled, and continue to be trolled by multiple twitter accounts to this day; that my personal data has been published on various websites and that my family have been harassed. You also know full well that the comment of rape was deliberately taken out of context and used to smear me. You know I am homosexal and as a ‘gay, married man’ (as I am), I cannot commit an act of rape against a woman and no court of law would ever pursue a case against me (nor have I ever had any contact from the police about), because (it) is clearly not feasible that I could even contemplate committing such an act. You are also aware that I was active with the fbrape campaign and continue to support @EverydaySexism.
That you constantly call me sexist is also wrong and again intended to smear me. You do so quite deliberately, in the sad  hope it will somehow help you in your defence of the libel claim brought against you for your smears of Fiyaz and TellMaMa. Yes, I swear; but when I do refer to someone as a bitch, I use it against both men and women. In your case, I believe you are a schemer, hateful, conniving and spiteful. I do so because your behaviour is abhorrent and so is that of others (like you.) Notice I only use such terms when someone is attacking me online, spreading untruths and misinformation, being malicious or spouting offensive racism.
Re (your claims of me being) racist, you know I am black. Therefore, I can only be racist or prejudice in the same (way) as racism, if the person is not black. My reference to Chris Brown, to which you refer to accuse me of racism, was an angry comment I made because, as (he is) a man who beats women, makes him worthless in my eyes. It shames me therefore that he denigrates my (heritage), (my) community (and the struggle and hate my community have experienced throughout history). This is clearly not racism and you, Sheryl and others (know it, but) have deliberately taken this out of context and used to your advantage (in attempting to smear and discredit).
In fact, it is you who is the racist. Your reference to Tutu being antiSemitic, Damilola Taylor’s father being on the gravy train, Mandela being a terrorist, steering clear of Muswell Hill after the racist arson attack (because of the Muslims protesting and antiFascists who might be protesting there), suggesting Guantanamo is a good idea, joking about (a) Palestinian being killed by a rock that bounced off a car? Yes, you are a racist and I have all the tweets to confirm this. You also call me antiSemite? Check my name, hon. Yes, I call you a Zionazi because you are a zealous nationalist, who is intolerant of anyone who is not Jewish and does not agree with you. You have even applauded maiming, death and torture in your tweets. That you would allow the torture, imprisonment, displacement and subjugation of Palestinians makes you a Zionazi. That you libel Lee Jasper (Yes, I made him aware!) and that you suggest Mehdi Hassan has contacts with Hamas, clearly makes you the racist and a Zionazi. You are clearly an intolerant, rightwing nationalist… in my view. Your associations with Geller, Murray et al confirm this. I am only intolerant of haters, such as yourself, which is why I swear at and challenge you. You seriously need to check yourself and have a long, long look in the mirror.
Oh, and what about your media campaign to discredit HNH and Tell MaMa? Yes, I know you instigated everything in the press; as a direct consequence of the libel proceedings issued against you. Raheem and Marcus have both confirmed as much. Not only this, but you then write to CST accusing Ev of being antiSemitic, which you then leak to @_NewseXtra and is published online and you do not even have the decency to retract? You are so lucky Ev isn’t suing you, because you are truly vile and disgusting, which is why I pity you so much! Claiming you were hacked and reporting TellMaMa to the police for it? Pfft! Absolute bollocks, you lying bitch! I pulled your details from a web search.
You should know that I will be airing a radio show about you and YadbYad and what you have done and how malicious you are. It will be entirely factual and based on your own tweets, that I have screen grabbed. You are welcome to come on and defend yourself… just reply to this email.
One last thing, as YadbYad is an organisation, i) can you please confirm whether it/ you are registered under the Data Protection Act to collate personal data; ii) what data you hold about me; iii) if and to whom you have disclosed mine and others’ personal data and; iv) whether you have sought consent to hold others’ personal data YadbYad hold?
Feel free to inform your solicitor of this email. I would love to see you in court :-)
Look forward to hearing you.
Kind regards,
Jason Schumann
Aka @debatingculture
Author’s Notes:
1. This was an email sent to YadbYad UK and Ambrosine Shitrit earlier today.
2. The content and claims detailed are entirely factual and based on tweets by YadbYad UK and Ambrosine Shitrit over the last 12-months.
3. Where brackets appear () the text in between represents an addition to the original email, either to correct an error or make further emphasis.
4. Mrs Chetrit knows where I am if she wishes to try and sue me.
5. Jason Schumann (me) is currently studying for his MSc in European Law & and is also an advisor to the Anna Lindh Foundation, and a recognised expert of EU Copyright and Data Protection Law.


 Go against the cult and they don't like it.

Can Sheryl name whoever she says is encouraging a "hate campaign" or is her nose growing longer and longer?

 It sounds to us at Yap Yap the hate campaign is not by one Jason Schumann.

The Curator

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The Curator

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