Simple detective work can save egg on faces.
We at Yap have deduced that refers to
this, from the homepage of a "diversity org":-
As the "diversity org" concerned has again clarified via its Twitter feed:-
That written complaint? Pffft. We at Yap have saved you the trouble.
For information on CAIR and the terrorist links claims and counter claims, there is an informative Wiki article here:-–Islamic_Relations
In our last post, we raised certain issues.
YadBYadUK has not assuaged our wider concerns regarding this "organisation". We hear the UK Information Commissioner's Office is also wondering why it is not complying with data protection laws, and will be in touch.
We also raise the issue of how it is claiming to know the IP of a Twitter user:-
Sending phishing links to trick a user is one means of doing this, though that is, of course, against Twitter's terms of service and of doubtful legality.
We at Yap make no comment regarding the sanity or otherwise of the user concerned, though we do note the apparent links of YadBYadUK with the UK branch of the Jewish Defence League, classified as a terrorist organisation in the United States. In the UK. the JDL previously had extensive links with the English Defence League, a violent street movement which is rabidly anti-Muslim.
Another useful Wiki article:-
Concerns raised on the Facebook page of Tell Mama UK about the JDL:-
"The Jewish Defence League UK - Not Representative of Muslim and Jewish Relations in the United Kingdom
There comes a time when the volume of anti-Muslim prejudice means that you have to write something public on a group or individual since they are so vocal and so tenacious in the hate that they feel against someone or a group of people. Well, for us, this is such a moment.
We must, however, add that the following group should not be seen as a reflection of Muslim Jewish relations in the UK. Granted, there are times of tension between these communities, but these are mainly because of international issues and both communities are increasingly coming together to resolve issues affecting them here in the UK, whilst understanding that there may be different positions on matters in the Middle East; though such issues should not over-ride relations here. Also, with the excellent interfaith work of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the protection to Jewish and occasionally to Muslim communities that the Community Security Trust provides and the warm Muslim Jewish relations between the Masorti and Liberal Jewish communities, the future of Muslim and Jewish relations is a bright one.
The group in question that we will reflect on is the Jewish Defence League UK. We have previously raised our concerns with this group and we have called on the Home Office to ban this group. A Wiki search of the Jewish Defence League (JDL) brings up previous statements on the FBI who regard the JDL as a 'far right terrorist group' and this was highlighted as long ago as 2001. We have to include another note though, that the JDL UK we believe, comprises of a handful of individuals. One of them is certainly Roberta Moore, who in this link titles herself as 'JDL-UK.' Is this the same Roberta Moore who left the English Defence League after having allegedly co-ordinated their Jewish Division for a while? It seems she finally realised that they were anti-Semitic, as well as anti-Muslim in nature, (the latter having not sent alarm bells ringing in her head since groups that hate 'the other' usually hide an inherent hatred of any community they regard as being different. However, this did not deter Roberta. Her enemies enemy, it seems, was her friend - at least long enough until the scourge of anti-Semitism raised its ugly head and then she was off.)
We thought we would list some of the tweets coming out from the JDL-UK Twitter account:
26th Dec 2012 - 7:26 am: Guns save lives. Every law abiding non-Muslim citizen should have one (link attached to article in tweet)
26th Dec 2012 - 7:25 am: Looks much better than those hideous bimbos with burkas on. Support India in the struggle to save Kashmir. (We are just confused as to where the Kashmir crisis has come into the conscience of the JDL-UK apart from the 'other side' being Pakistani and mainly Muslim?)
26th Dec 2012 - 7:09 pm: Anyone noticed the deathly silence from the fat pigshit Suha Arafat over her stinking husband's AIDS ridden dead body? (This, a reference to the exhumation of the body of Yasser Arafat on grounds that he may have been poisoned by a radioactive source. The inference here is that no comments from Suha mean that nothing untowards has been found and that Arafat died due to Aids - according to the high scientific analysis of the JDL. Additionally, the 'pigshit' comment against Suha Arafat shows the lack of information and depth of the JDL-UK. A bit of research would have found out that Suha is not Muslim but Christian and still attends mass!)
24th Dec 2012 - 5:09 pm: There is NOTHING #British about #Muslims in #Britain, (link to JDL article provided in tweet)
24th Dec 2012 - 10:26 am: Mr anti-everything brainwashed liar if (sic) the week. Go suck some araB ****. (This was tweeted to an individual who was disagreeing with the positions of the JDL-UK and was also copied to two ardent anti-Muslim tweeters who have been reported into the police by TELL MAMA).
Around the 21st of Dec 2012: Muzzies pissed off = JDL happy (Muzzies being a slang 'put down' for Muslims. Seems to make EDL sympathisers jump up and down with glee as they play out their keyboard warrior instincts)
We thought that we would give you a snapshot of this group and with further details available through the Faith Hate Report which Faith Matters compiled. No doubt, we will continue to campaign to have this group proscribed since not only are they campaigning against ALL Muslims, they are a disgrace and a slap in the face for all campaigners working towards positive Muslim and Jewish relations. "
The Curator